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Christopher Dancy

Harold and Inge Marcus Industrial and Manufacturing Career Development Associate Professor
The ways people interact with artificial intelligence systems, and how those interactions are mediated by antiblackness

Zachary Dashner

Horticulture Graduate Student

Emily Davenport

Assistant Professor of Biology
Understanding the complex relationship humans have with our microbiomes, using high-throughput sequencing technologies and novel computational and statistical techniques.

Mary Jane De Souza

Distinguished Professor of Kinesiology
Women's health and Physical Activity, Endocrinology of the Female Athlete, Effects of Exercise on the Menstrual Cycle, Female Athlete Triad (Eating disorders, amenorrhea and osteoporosis), Eating Behaviors, Food Intake, and Exercise, Luteal Phase Defects and Amenorrhea, Bone Health and Osteoporosis in Female Athletes, and Energy Deficiency and Bone Health.

Andrew Deans

Professor of Entomology, Director of the Frost Entomological Museum

Chad Dechow

Associate Professor of Dairy Cattle Genetics

Dennis Decoteau

Professor of Horticulture

Nigel Deighton

Director of Research Instrumentation
Oversight of Huck facility operations, strategic direction and leadership in programmatic growth, and grant opportunities

Simon Delattre

Assistant Research Professor of Computation Materials

Peter Demartino

Food Science Graduate Student

Kathy Demchak

Senior Extension Associate of Plant Science

Ali Demirci

Professor-in-Charge of the CSL Behring Fermentation Facility; Professor of Agricultural and Biological Engineering

Melik Demirel

Huck Chair in Biomimetic Materials; Pearce Professor of Engineering
Prof. Dr. Melik Demirel holds a tenured professor position in engineering at Penn State, and has a decade of experience in biosensors and nanomaterials. Prof. Demirel’s achievements have been recognized, in part, through his receipt of a Young Investigator Award, an Alexander von Humboldt Fellowship, an Institute for Complex Adaptive Matter Junior Fellowship, the Pearce Development Professorship at Penn State, a Boeing Distinguished Speaker Award. Prof. Demirel received his Ph.D. from Carnegine Mellon University and B.S. and M.S. degrees from Bogazici University.

Nancy Dennis

Professor of Psychology
The cognitive and neural mechanisms that support learning and memory in young and older adults.

Claude dePamphilis

Director of the Center for Parasitic and Carnivorous Plants; Huck Distinguished Chair in Plant Biology and Evolutionary Genomics; Professor of Biology
Genomics, bioinformatics, and molecular evolution. Origin and diversification of flowers and developmental pathways. Comparative genomics of plants, organelles, and plant gene families. Genomics, evolution, and functional biology of parasitic plants.

Dhimant Desai

Associate Professor of Pharmacology

Francesco Di Gioia

Associate Professor of Vegetable Crop Science
Plant nutrition, plant physiological and biochemical response to environmental and abiotic stress conditions, sustainable vegetable production, agrobiodiversity, agronomic biofortification, food and nutrition security.